Can a Dentist Fix Rotting Teeth?

woman in blue denim jeans holding black tablet computer

Rotting teeth are pretty easy to spot with the naked eye; they look rotten, with tiny holes or rust-like brown and black staining. They usually occur due to the consumption of sugary foods or not practicing proper dental hygiene, especially brushing and flossing.

When not treated, they can spread to the other parts of the mouth leading to infections and more serious health problems. The good news is that dentists can save your rotting tooth and you can smile normally again.

Dental Fillings

If the tooth decay is caught early, a dentist can usually save the tooth with dental fillings. The method used to restore the tooth will vary according to where the decay is located in your mouth and what stage it is at. In general, the first thing that the dentist will do is to clean the area. This is to remove any bacteria, food or other particles that have accumulated inside the cavity or cracks in your teeth. The dentist may also advise you on good oral hygiene habits, such as daily brushing of your teeth and regular visits for dental cleaning and exams.

The dentist will then use a drill, air abrasion instrument or laser to remove the decayed tissue. If the tooth is badly rotted, the dentist might have to drill all the way down to the root of the tooth. This is done to prevent the infection from spreading. The dentist will then fill the hole with a material such as composite resin or glass ionomer. The material is color matched to the surrounding teeth and is durable.

The most important thing that you can do to prevent rotting teeth is to visit the dentist for routine dental checkups and cleanings. This will allow the dentist to spot any tooth decay or small cavities before they become serious. You should also eat a well-balanced diet, brush your teeth regularly and avoid foods that contain sugar, especially sweetened drinks.

Dental Crowns

Dentist showing porcelain crown

Dental crowns are used to improve the shape, size and strength of damaged teeth. They can be made out of various materials including metals, porcelain, ceramics and resin.

If a tooth becomes decayed underneath a dental crown, it can cause severe damage. This is because a decayed tooth is more susceptible to bacteria, acid and other harmful substances.

Many dentists use dental fillings to repair a tooth cavity before placing a crown. This treatment seals the tooth and prevents bacteria from re-entering, but it may not be sufficient to stop a rotting tooth completely.

Another common cause of a dental crown failing is tooth decay at the margins (edge). This usually happens around the edges of the natural tooth. When this occurs, it is likely that the decay will spread quickly, and the underlying tooth will become irreparably damaged.

If your tooth develops a cavity underneath a dental crown, you should contact your dentist immediately. They will probably recommend removing the old crown and drilling out the badly decayed section. They will then place a new crown to protect the tooth. You may feel some sensitivity after the procedure, but this should subside after a few days. If the discomfort persists, you can try using a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth or taking over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen.

Dental Veneers

woman at dental office for her veneers

Dental veneers are wafer-thin custom-made shells that can cover the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. They are typically made of porcelain or resin composite materials that resemble the color and sheen of natural teeth. Veneers are most popular with patients who want to hide stains or other aesthetic imperfections that cause them to feel self-conscious about their smile.

Veneers do not offer the same level of protection from cavities and other tooth decay as teeth fillings or crowns. They are strictly cosmetic restorations that can improve the aesthetic of a smile by masking imperfections like chips, stains, and gaps. Veneers are not a replacement for regular checkups and cleanings as they can hide early warning signs of tooth decay such as gum disease or a small cavity that is not yet visible.

Can Teeth Rott Under Veneers?

Although teeth under veneers are not prone to rotting if they are properly applied, they can still be susceptible to decay if patients eat a sugary diet or fail to maintain good oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing are important for all patients, but they are especially crucial for those with veneers as they can help prevent plaque buildup in and around the margin of the restoration. It is also a good idea to avoid sticky foods that can create a sticky residue on the surfaces of teeth or around the margins of veneers, and to drink plenty of water after eating and brushing to rinse away food particles.

Root Canals

dentist show the patient root canal treatment

When a tooth is infected or badly damaged, a root canal can save it. The procedure numbs the area around the tooth and covers it with a thin sheet of rubber called a “dental dam.” This keeps the tooth dry, clean and protected from viruses, bacteria and fungus that normally live in the mouth.

Next, an opening is created in the top of the tooth. Then, the damaged tooth pulp and infection are removed. The root canals are cleaned with germ-killing medicine and sealed. A root canal can be performed in a single visit but your dentist may choose to break it up into multiple treatments depending on the tooth’s state and the difficulty of performing the treatment.

After a root canal, the tooth is restored with a dental filling or crown. It becomes stronger and less prone to fracture or breakage. A healthy tooth can last for years, even decades.

Tooth decay is a serious oral health concern that won’t clear up on its own. Left untreated, a cavity can grow deeper into the tooth and spread to surrounding teeth. It can also lead to systemic health problems like infections in the jawbone, sinuses, and soft tissues of the neck and face. The good news is that a quick diagnosis and timely treatment can prevent these issues from developing.